Posts Tagged ‘winter sun’

There is always the sunshine of North Africa!

Monday, November 23rd, 2009

I can report that here in London many of us are getting affected by the seasonal ‘time-to-get-out-of-town’ disease, only curable by packing your bags… The next question is: where to go? We are torn between the idea of hitting the white slopes of Europe for a spot of skiing or exploring the wonders of North Africa but in the end, our yearning for warmth as well as sunshine wins. We are heading to Egypt!

Pyramids, Pharaohs, quad bikes and beaches: life does not get much better than this.

If you are ready for a well-deserved break, check out Topdeck’s Egypt programme. You can also save up to 10% on Egypt specials.

New Years Eve 2009 in Europe

Thursday, July 30th, 2009

Wherever you decide to celebrate the New Year, chances are there’s something exciting happening. Unless you’re home with your parents…in which case you may want to have a plan B. If you’re undecided, there’s still time to get together with friends, make new friends, or call up old friends and plan a reunion.

How about taking part in Edinburgh’s world-famous Hogmanay that turns the Scottish capital into a gigantic street party? New Year in Berlin is also promising to be a cool party experience. Then there are the amazing New Years Eve fireworks in Krakow and the crazy/unique nightlife of a New Year in Amsterdam!

If you’re sorted for New Year, but would like to do something different for Christmas or fancy a trip to some European Christmas markets beforehand, check out what Topdeck offers for the upcoming Festive Season!

Extended winter tours are also available so you could see Europe without the crowds in all its snow-covered glory.

Trips aimed at 18-30 something travellers. Fun factor - guaranteed! ;)